
Reposa Photography was founded by Parker Reposa in 2008 at the age of 11. After receiving his first camera at 9 years old, photography has become his favorite creative outlet. Mainly specializing in surf photography and nature, Parker takes pictures of anything that is interesting to him, always looking at life through a lens. Taking photos allows him to slow down in this increasingly fast paced world.

Reposa has been inspired by his work with to spread the message of the power of photography. Through this work he hopes to help other youth, especially those in marginalized communities, help their communities by sharing tell their stories through photography.

Reposa also uses his photos as inspiration for people to fall back in love with the very thing that allows us to live, breath, and be human; nature. Images are powerful tools for societal and political change. They take people to places they have never been, seen, or experienced, and inspire in them a longing for the something more. Photography is Reposa's gift to the world and hope to make it a better, more just place for all of mankind.    

Note from Founder

The gift of photography was given to me by my mother when she gave me my first camera. It was a Rebel Xti and I cherished it with my whole heart. Everywhere I went, I had my camera. Everything I saw, I captured. I fell in love with photography and it will always be in my blood, passion, and creative expression. On a trip to Antigua, Guatemala to meet my adopted sister, I witnessed the power of photography. While walking the rural village, I stumbled upon a playground full of children. I began to take pictures and they instantly gravitated toward my camera in curiosity. None of them had seen a digital camera before and were shocked when I showed them what was produced. Their joy and amazement really opened my eyes to the power of photography.

Everyday I am inspired by the principles of photography. The thought of being able to capture or freeze a moment in time and appreciate the value, significance, and beauty of that singular event is something special. Life can be rather chaotic at times, and to be able to step back, slow things down, and gain an appreciation for your surroundings is what inspires me everyday.

Taking photos, to me, is an emotional and stimulating craft. Not only is it fun, relaxing, and challenging, but most of all it’s rewarding. The ability to create, express, and share your vision with people is a powerful way to communicate and reach out. It makes me feel like a positive member of society and gives me great purpose and wisdom. I encourage all young photographers to dive into the craft with an unwavering sense of love and unguided passion.