Each generation is defined by the tipping point moments they face. Our current challenge is finding balance between nature and economic prosperity. Reconciling that global imbalance, using innovative solutions, is what matters to me. Without the fundamental building blocks of nature, we have nothing. Without the progress of innovation, we do nothing. The trees, oceans, and mountains provide economic value, but also beauty, sanctuary, and inspiration. Nature and its energy is vital for us on every level, whether it is the energy from the sun, the waves or the inner earth. Nature is an interconnected biosphere and if nature is healthy and prospering, humans are as well.
"I don't think we should abandon the system of capitalism. We should seek to improve it by creating healthy incentives and sustainable business opportunities." -Parker Reposa
In order to rebalance our system, we must lead by example, innovate better energy systems, and create policies that place more value on the land. But most importantly, we must fall back in love with nature for reasons beyond its economic value. I strive to be at the forefront of this tipping point moment by expanding markets to take on the sustainability revolution. We can unite economics and politics using renewable energy, building sustainable cities, and striving for holistic economic growth.
Nature gives me energy and inspires me to protect it. I am excited about the potential of our future relationship with earth and my part in finding a better balance.